• Briya Webhook Setup

    Add push notifications to your Kentix SmartXcan

    Login to your Kentix SmartXcan and go to Configuration-->Webhooks. Add a new webhook as follows:

    Name: Briya App

    HTTP Method: POST

    URL: https://us-central1-temperaturecheck-198df.cloudfunctions.net/scanTemperature

    Authentication: None

    Content-Type: application/json


    "time": "$TIME$",
    "date": "$DATE$",
    "temperature": "$BODY_TEMPERATURE_VALUE$",
    "alarm": "$BODY_TEMPERATURE_ALARM$",
    "unit": "$TEMP_UNIT$",
    "location": "LOCATION",
    "sequence": "$SEQUENCE_NUMBER$",
    "userID": "USER_ID"

    Note: The USER_ID is the ID that you copy from the Briya app


    Save the webhook.


    Go to Sensors-->MultiSensor. Scroll to bottom of page and add an Alarm Assignment. Select All body temperature measurements and Briya App. Tap Save and setup is now complete. You can now scan your temperature and receive notifications on your mobile device.